Here's a sketch of my thoughts, where I reimagined the scale of a cigar. The unit of measurement here is my height. Hence the cigars are named full-tej, half-tej, quar-tej and so on.. Making the cigars, and handpainting labels, reflecting myself.

The cigars on display. I tried to achieve realistic qualities in the model making. The most interesting bit was to observe people's interaction with the object in its new scale. As seen in the photos, the sizes of the cigars have a direct co-relation to my height. This interesting connection communicates the humour across to audience.

In the second part of the project, I create a relationship, a story with an elevator! Here, I aimed to play with light and shadows using moving projections. Here, you can see some of the details of the elevator created with paper screens to give a spooky vibe!
The moving projections give a sense of movement, when someone stands inside the elevator. With sound and spotlights, an immersive experience of riding up an elevator in a spooky cigar factory where you see unreasonable shadows of giant cigars!
The choreography where the viewer could see a different shadow with each floor. Curious passersby spot the cigar shadows and inspect the spooky elevator!

The project was envisioned and executed under the mentorship of Rosario Hurtado and Roberto Feo
during my MA Space and Communication program at HEAD – Genève.